

red black and white

I’ve been eyeing off this Japanese maple in my neighbourhood over the last few months. Each time I pass it looks more spectacular than before. Today, with the rain-heavy sky in the background, it made such a striking autumn display and I couldn’t resist the urge to take a photo.

And doesn’t it look great against the black and white of the cottage? Clearly these people have learnt the power and impact of restraint when it comes to the use of colour in the garden.

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eco garden

Last year my friends and I ventured south of the river for the Cheese and Wine Festival on London’s Southbank. It turned out we got the dates wrong, so we missed out. We managed to go this weekend, and the food, coffee and cakes were amazing. But if I’m honest, what I enjoyed most about the whole adventure was discovering the attractive eco garden and green walls set up on the stairs leading up to the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Alpine plants, ferns, grasses, strawberries, and herbs, all in a native-style planting requiring next to no maintenance. They must have looked stunning through the summer, but the autumn colours were also attractive.

I’ve seen a few green walls this year, including at the Olympics where they were used to cover temporary structures, however we definitely need more eco gardens and green walls!!

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man pot

Struggling with garden related gift ideas for that special man in your life? Look no further. Made up of rusty browns and silvers, this autumn planting will complement your fella’s manliness, and bring a lovely autumnal vibe to your garden space.

Also included is a tough nasturtium determined to make it to winter, but the planter mainly features Bronco grass, brown flowering Rubella, Silverdust and white cyclamen. Assemblage time: 15 minutes. Enjoy!!